Wednesday, December 19, 2012

the last lunch of 2012

Well, tomorrows lunch is the last of 2012. On Friday he wants to do a hot lunch (and with the cold weather we're having, I can see why!) He did hot lunch today, and yesterday I got to join him for lunch so I brought something warm from home :) *whew*

So here it is...

He has - A stocking shaped cheese sandwich with marshmallow "fur", Ritz crackers, raspberries and vanilla Greek yogurt with red and green mini M&Ms :)

I was able to check out the hot lunches and salad bar at his school yesterday - not as bad as I imagined! But the milk comes in bags?! I need to ask him how they drink it... definitely weird!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Ho Ho Ho!!

The big mans coming to lunch today :) it didn't turn out like I was hoping... but it's not too shabby! Santa looks a little startled/freaky, but the boy likes it LOL

He has: A Santa shaped cheese sandwich (fruit roll hat/jacket, marshmallow puff and beard, candy coated sunflower seed nose, candy eyes), raspberries, and the last of our lime jello.

I had left over fruit roll, so my son said it could be Santas sack. :)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Snow and left overs :)

Another winter lunch :) My son wanted left over ravioli for lunch, but then he went and ate them all for dinner! So I went ahead and made a handful more for lunch :)

We have : Mini ravioli with vegetable sauce, a snowflake cut out garlic flat bread, sugar free lime jello and berries.

I put the ravioli in silicone cups to try to keep it neater... we'll see how that goes - eep!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Frosty :)

We sat down today and planned out the lunches for this week - he's decided he likes hot lunches *sigh* so he'll probably have one a week. I'm glad that they have a salad bar though :) He said he ate his chicken sandwich and LOTS of pineapple and cantaloupe!

For lunch Monday he has: A frosty the snowman cheese sandwich, fruit/veggie leather, sugar free lime jello, Angry Bird cheese crackers.

Frostys scarf, hat and smile are the fruit/veggie leather, he has a candy coated sunflower seed for a nose, candy eyes and smarties buttons :)

I made the jello in the lunch container, do I hope that works out well! I wanted to add fruit to the jello, but that was veto'd. LOL

Friday, December 7, 2012

it's Christmas time!

I am super excited about doing holiday lunches :) but I learned my lesson with Halloween - I need to start early! So we'll have a couple weeks to do these :)

He has : Christmas tree cheese sandwich with mini candy decorations, (I'm getting tired if these, but he's asking for them!), honey nana Greek yogurt with PB2
decorated with mini trees, and fresh mango.

I have a few more holiday ideas... so I can't wait to check out other lunch sites to get more!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Choo Choo!

Well after 2 days of hot lunches, I finally get to pack a fun one :) I don't hate the hot lunches at school, but I'm not overly impressed either. I'd rather know exactly what he's being offered! :)

He has: a Choo Choo cheese sandwich with marshmallow "steam", strawberries, and honey nana Greek yogurt with PB2 so it's peanut butter yogurt.

This is my first try with yogurt for lunch, it always seemed like it'd be a huge mess. Then I saw this idea on my friend Rachel's blog and I totally stole it ( ). :) It's an Easy Lunchboxes mini dipper container in the medium section of the Easy Lunchboxes container. Perfect!